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Teeth Whitening

January 23, 20230

One of the treatment methods recommended for people who want to achieve an aesthetic tooth appearance is teeth whitening. Teeth show yellowing over time. In this case, with the consumption of tea, coffee and cigarettes, which are effective, the teeth begin to become stained and yellow in a short time. Tooth yellowing reduces a person’s self-confidence.

For this reason, necessary dental treatments and teeth whitening procedures are performed in order to create an aesthetic tooth structure. The healthiest teeth whitening processes are completed with the use of recently developed devices and products. Teeth whitening processes offer a deep whiteness. At the end of this process, which eliminates the yellowing, a healthier tooth appearance is obtained.

Thanks to these bleaching processes, which help to prevent color changes, stains are also eliminated. Considering tooth sensitivity, a completely personalized whitening is performed. Dental health is renewed in teeth whitening processes where visuality is kept at a high level. At the same time, aesthetic mouth and smile design are created by treating dental caries.

Why Do Tooth Yellowing Occur?

The basis of yellowing of the teeth is the foods and beverages consumed. In particular, drinking teeth-whitening things can also cause staining. A stained tooth structure adds a negative atmosphere to people in terms of aesthetics. At the same time, many people experience a loss of social self-confidence.

On the basis of creating an aesthetic smile design, these stains are treated and teeth whitening procedures are performed. In teeth whitening applications, it is also possible to lighten the color of the tooth by 8 to 11 shades. The desired whiteness is determined according to the patients and whitening is applied.

Are Teeth Whitening Procedures Healthy?

Teeth whitening is one of the applications recommended in terms of health. At the end of this process, which makes people feel much better, their self-confidence is renewed. At the same time, damaged, broken or decayed teeth in the mouth are also treated.

Thanks to these teeth whitening procedures, which are applied by developing a treatment plan from root to end, the mouth structure also takes shape. It is one of the aesthetic applications made on behalf of the teeth recently. With this process, which is done using extremely healthy products and devices, everyone has healthy teeth.

What Should We Pay Attention to at the End of Teeth Whitening Applications?

Teeth whitening is one of the treatments that require attention. Especially after the whitening application, the person should take care of their teeth carefully. In this sense, in order for tooth sensitivity to continue for a few days, cold or hot foods that will cause sensitivity should not be consumed.

The consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes that will stain the teeth or prevent the whitening process should also be avoided. Regular tooth brushing and floss use are recommended for people who want a natural whiteness. Thanks to the use of thread, the formation of stains between the teeth is prevented.

Creating a Smile Design with Teeth Whitening Procedures

Smile design is recommended for those who want to have a healthy mouth structure. Smile design occurs with the care of the teeth and the completion of the treatments. Moreover, teeth whitening processes that will remove yellowing in the teeth are also very important.

It is possible to clean the stains and replace them with a brighter color with bleaching processes. The prepared whitening treatment varies from person to person.

Teeth Whitening Procedures That Treat Teeth and Provide Aesthetic Smile

Teeth whitening processes that treat the teeth and keep them well-groomed are very important. In order to have a quality tooth structure, teeth whitening is one of the important points of smile design. In this way, people can achieve the desired tooth structure and achieve a white smile. This application, which treats the teeth, offers a bright whiteness on the teeth for a long time.

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