What is Beard Transplantation?
Beard transplantation is a transplantation application applied to men who do not grow beards at all or rarely. For beard transplantation, hair follicles are taken from the neck or nape of the person and transplanted into the beard area and beard growth is ensured.
Since men attach great importance to the beard, it can be uncomfortable if it is sparse. This directs men towards beard transplantation. Beard transplantation is done with the fue method and since it is performed without any incision, there is no scar and no pain.
How is Beard Transplantation Performed?
Hair follicles taken from another part of the body are transplanted to the problematic area in the beard area and a beard is formed. As a result of this aesthetic application, beard transplantation is performed in people who are called Köse, that is, people whose beards never grow and those whose beards grow sparsely. In sparse beards, men generally prefer beard transplantation.
Beard transplantation is performed with local anesthesia and no pain is felt. As in hair transplantation, the FUE technique is applied and there is no feeling. Hair follicles are taken from the non-shedding area and transplanted to the beard area to ensure beard growth. If there are regional losses in people who will be transplanted, beard density is evaluated and a transplant plan is made accordingly.
In case the beard is not completely, the frequency and limit are adjusted according to the wishes of the people, and then between 1000 and 3000 hair follicles are planted. Floating roots are planted in the sideburn area, four hundred roots are planted in the mustache and chin area, and a total of one thousand roots are planted in the person who is completely cornered. Even if it is rare, a meaningful expression is provided to people’s faces.
What are Beard Transplantation Methods?
Beard transplantation with the fut method: This method has been abandoned as it has many disadvantages of beard transplantation with the fut method, which is an old technique. In the Fut method, the roots are removed by surgery and the roots are planted at the same angle, so they grow upright.
Scars remain on the intake and planting areas, and since the procedure is performed by incision on the skin, there is a high probability of scarring. The fut method is a method that is no longer applied because there is numbness, pain and tension in the neck.
Beard transplantation with the Fue technique: The roots are taken one by one and the beard is planted with the natural angle of the hair follicles. Since the skin is transplanted without cutting, it has a natural appearance and pain is not felt. Today, beard transplantation is carried out with the fue method, since it has more advantages.
What are the Points to Consider in Beard Transplantation?
The roots to be planted during beard transplantation must be suitable for the beard. Because the hair follicles in the beard are not like hair follicles and are thinner. Therefore, hair follicles to be taken from the neck area are planted in the beard area. The hair roots in this area are suitable for the beard and a natural look is obtained.
Since the nape area is as suitable as the neck area, it is possible to take hair follicles from the nape area. It is important to plant hair follicles at an angle suitable for the beard during beard transplantation. In order to obtain a natural appearance, attention should be paid to the planting direction.
Since a cutting tool is not used during planting, no pitting occurs and this helps to have a natural appearance. In addition, the hair follicles to be used in beard transplantation should be single. The hair follicles taken from the nape or neck area should be separated individually and then planted.
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